Aging Curve


The Aging curve is a graph showing our lifeline from independence  in our early years, through the acquisition of functional abilities, and the loss of these same functional abilities later in life.

The black arrows in the graph show a normal Aging Curve and how it may sink below the dependency threshold.  

We age in two ways, Primary Aging which is the number of years lived and Secondary Aging, which is the impact of diseases, accidents, injuries and our environment. These all push downward on our Aging Curve and I work hard to push back upward. I want my curve to remain as high as possible as long as possible.

I am doing that with my Lifestyle. My tools are exercise ‍and nutrition. These are the two components of Fitness.  I insist on my lifestyle controlling my body, not my body controlling my lifestyle.

Many, many people just accept what happens to them as natural. They think their loss of abilities is what is supposed to happen and so...

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