Exercise Intensity

Knowing your exercise intensity is the difference between accomplishing your goals or just reading a magazine while you are on a treadmill. If you are trying to improve your fitness, you need to work a little harder than you normally do over a period of time.

We are all very unique in this and we need to have a method of measuring our exercise intensity that suits each one of us. The fitness industry tries to fit everyone into the same category.

Almost every major piece of fitness equipment has a heart range set according to age. It tells you that if you are 60 years old, then you should exercise at a certain heart rate depending on what you are trying to do.

Well, not every 60 or 70 year-old fits in the same mold. At 73 years old today, I know I exercise at rates far above where the ranges say I should be.

 So, we need to know our own bodies a bit better. Check your own exercise intensity below and then get yourself a heart monitor or a Fitbit. You need something to...

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