Got Milked? The Great Dairy Deception and Why You'll Thrive Without Milk

Author:  Alissa Hamilton
Publisher:  William Morrow
Year: 2016
Edition:  Kindle, ibooks
Price: $17.72

I bought it on Amazon Prime.


My interest in nutrition gave me the desire to read this book because I wanted to be aware of the questions asked. And to see if there are valid reference sources backing up the claims made. The book deals with the question, "Is milk good for you?"

The author’s purpose is to discuss how milk has come to occupy its position in our world today. She also wants to have us question our own position on this product and its place in our food supply.

Questions Raised

  1. Why has there been so much government support for the dairy industry?
  2. How did the facts get so twisted? Did they get twisted?
  3. Does milk really contribute to a healthy lifestyle?
  4. Are dairy industry claims about nutrients in milk true?
  5. Can those same nutrients be more readily obtained elsewhere?
  6. Are those same nutrients more economically available elsewhere?
  7. We need...
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