Understanding Blood Pressure

Blood Pressure

Blood Pressure is the force of your blood pushing against the walls of your arteries every time your heart pumps. Each pump creates a wave that you feel as your pulse. But this is not the same as blood pressure. The pressure against your arteries is greater when the heart pumps than it is between pumps. Both are measured because both are important. The blood the heart pumps out is oxygenated and full of nutrients for your body.

How Is It Measured?

Blood Pressure is measured at it's highest and lowest points. The highest is when the heart pumps and is called the systolic blood pressure (pronounced sis-tall-ic). This is the top number or the largest number in a blood pressure reading. The lowest blood pressure is when your heart relaxes between pumps and the pressure drops. This is called diastolic blood pressure (pronounced die-as-tolic). This is the bottom number in your blood pressure reading.

A reading is normally stated as 120/80 or 120 over 80. 

Any elevation...

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Exercising with Heart Disease

There are millions of people that have heart disease, and millions who die from this each year. If they knew they had been exercising with heart disease many of them might still be alive. Many of these people are extremely obese and many look perfectly healthy! On the outside. I know I looked perfectly healthy! I have been pushing up my Aging Curve.

Many people said they were completely surprised that I needed open heart surgery on September 15, 2016. More about this in my blog, How To Exercise With Heart Disease.

Cancer and heart disease are the leading causes of death in Canada and the United States. You can check this out at the Canadian Cancer Society and the Center for Disease Control in Atlanta.

They have many articles talking about risk factors and the most common ones are:

  1. high blood pressure
  2. high cholesterol
  3. smoking

    High blood pressure and high cholesterol can be influenced by lifestyle. That means exercising with heart disease and nutrition are the keys. Where have you...

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