Why is Your Core Important?

If you want to improve your walking, running, swimming, golf, or any physical activity, then you need to think about about how important your core is.

If you want to look younger and actually feel better, then core exercises are critical. Many older people are afraid of falling and injuring themselves. Working to improve your balance through core exercises can prevent a dangerous fall, and the resulting injuries. That's how important your core is!

Strengthening your core through core exercises can help make the daily tasks like bending, turning, reaching out easier so that working around the house, and cleaning your yard, shovelling your driveway stay within your realm of possible activities? Your core will determine your participation in these activities, and help you to deal with many types of back pain.

What Is "The Core"?

The core is the entire group of muscles around our mid-sections. It is not just the six pack, which we all have by the way, though some of us just...

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